Don’t let your environment get into you | Fola Daniel Adelesi

Most times, a lot of people unconsciously become their environment. A lot of people unconsciously begin to live, begin to act, and begin to talk like the things that are obtainable in their environment, and they don’t know. They have no idea they’re gradually conforming to their environment.

They’re just doing it and before they know it, the environment has gotten into them. They are living, they are talking, they are acting like the environment such that if someone else who knows those environments very well sees and hears them, the person can say, oh, you’re from this environment and they will not be able to deny it. Why is that? It’s because the environment has gotten into them.

When the environment gets into you, it becomes a problem. When the environment gets into you, it becomes an issue because you are limited by the environment.

The Yorubas will say, if the leaf stays long enough on the soap, the leaf becomes part of the soap. One of the things we also hear often is that when a cow or maybe a sheep now would be the best word to put use. If a sheep walks long enough with a dog, the sheep will also begin to feast on faeces.

If a sheep walks long enough with a dog, a sheep will also begin to feast on faeces. That’s because dogs would normally eat faeces or some dogs eat faeces. So, if a sheep walks with that kind of a dog, it will eventually eat faeces.

What are they trying to say? Your association would determine what you become. And it’s not just your association that determines what you become. Your environment can condition you.

If you live in an environment where no one has succeeded, you may begin to act like it is impossible for you to succeed. If you live in an environment, say for example, nobody cares about school, school will not be important to you. If you live in an environment where nobody cares about succeeding, all they want is just to make some income daily, then succeeding excellently well, doing exploits will no longer be your passion.

It will no longer be your focus. The most important thing to you will also become just making a living daily. That’s what I mean by don’t allow the environment to get into you.

Some environments naturally would limit you. Think about it this way. When a whale is put into a small glass, if it’s born and put into a small glass, that glass would naturally condition the growth of the whale.

It will limit its growth. But the same whale, take it out of the glass and throw it into the ocean, it will grow into twenty feet. That’s to tell you that the glass could condition the growth of the whale, but in an unlimited environment, the whale could also grow to as much as twenty feet.

There are some of you, you don’t have real visions, ambitions, aspirations because of the environment you’re in. And some of you already have those dreams, you have those goals, you have the visions, you have the aspirations, but you’re wondering, why have I stopped pursuing them? The reason you have stopped pursuing them could be that no one around you is pursuing a dream. No one around you is crazy about a goal.

No one around you wants to fulfil a dream, a vision, an aspiration. And if there’s nobody around you who is passionately working about a goal or working on a goal, working on a dream, working on an aspiration, before you know it, automatically you start losing focus. You stop stressing yourself because you look around and you realize that there’s no other person who is stressing themselves just like you are about your goals, about your visions, about your ambitions, about your aspirations.

So, make sure that you don’t become limited, and you don’t become conditioned by your environment. If you allow your environment to limit you, it’s a problem because you will be underperforming. You will be performing below capacity.

It’s like being a 100 amps battery and you’re doing far less than the battery was built to do. Or it’s like being a turbocharged engine and you’re only used to being an estate and you only go out occasionally, maybe just once in a week, and you don’t do more than five to 10 kilometres when you even go out. That engine is being underutilized.

There’s much more to you. And I’m telling you to not allow your environment to get into you because your environment can make you believe that you are something that you are not. Your environment can condition your mind.

Your environment can limit your mind. It can reprogram your mind. That’s why I’m saying do not let the environment get into you.

One of the things we have seen is that if you have two children and maybe they were born, let’s even say a set of twins, born on the same day, born to the same parents, and you separate the twins, take one till you reach home, take another to a poor home, in ten years’ time or in fifteen years’ time, they will be exactly like the environment that they came from. You may have been born into a poor home. That wasn’t your making.

You couldn’t control that, but now you have a choice. You can make that determination to get out of your environment or to break out of your environment. You may have also been born into a rich home.

Be careful not to believe that that’s how things will go. If you don’t take some conscious decisions, you can slip into poverty. You can lose everything.

So be careful. Make a conscious determination. Make conscious efforts to succeed because your environment can deceive you and make you believe that because you were born into an environment of success, then you will continue to succeed.

I want to charge you. Don’t let the environment get into you.

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Fola Daniel Adelesi

FDA Speaks professionally, Trains Effectively, Delivers great keynotes & Comperes humorously | 16 books & counting.

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